Lecturer: Dr. Steven Carter
- Revenge drama tradgedy very popular at the time of publication: 1590s.
- Shakespeare's Characterization: characters are self-aware, question themselves
and this adds a new dimension in tradgedy.
- Shakespeare universalizes his text by making biblical references, he recruits
audience to do battle with Hamlet and the play within the play.
- The difference between the average Elizabethan tradgedy and Hamlet
is that the characters in Hamlet talk of conscienceness and Hamlet
as a revenge hero is hesitan.
- Hamlet as a character: he wants to make sure what he is doing is right he
is a man of meditation: this is very unnusual for revenge tradgedy heros.
Example: "I will act upon it with wings as swift as meditation..." he tells the
ghost of his father that he must think about his actions.
- Ophelia as a characther: there is much more to her than most females in
revenge dramas, she is very intricate.
- Polonius: a character not often in dramas, Polonius's death:why does
Shakespeare kill Polonius in the 3rd act? What is the dramatic effect.
- Does Polonius's death sooth Hamlet?
- Polonius's death encourages the audience to consider blind retalation.
- Claudius tells the story of Cane&Able: oldest revenge story: a reflection on
The murder of King Hamlet. By telling this story Cluadius confesses murder to Hamlet.
Garden of Eden imagry= biblical reference=universalizing play.
- Revenge does not work well. Evil cycle: how do you stop it?
- Take note of the relationship between Hamlet and Claudius. They both kill the
father of a son. Are they similar?
- By the end of the play we must ask of Hamlet: Does Hamlet change? Answer to that
reflects the answer to the question of similarity with Claudious.
- At the beginning of the play: the guards represent psychology of war=psychology of revenge.
Shakespeare is asking to look at revenge from a different point of view.
- Ghost is wearing armor= symbol of the psychology of war.
- Issue: whether the only law that governs human beings is the law of decay: Claudius and Gertruid.
"...if it be why is it so particular to thee?" (act 1 sc 2).
- Issue: Claudius tells Hamlet that he is unmanly for morning his dad.
- "Conscience doth make cowards of us all" Hamlet is talking about suicide. Does
Hamlet's views on suicide and conscience change?
- Hamlet and Ghost: "Haste me to know't, that I, with wings as swift as meditation
or the thoughts of love, may sweep my revenge." This is odd language for a revenge hero.
Hamlet wants to think things through before acting. The one time he does not think
is when he kills Polonius.
- Ghost appears first in armor= pro revenge and second in night gown= anti revenge.
- Hamlet is unaware of his conscience. He is unaware of "the angels of his better nature."
- Issue: Hamlet's maddness. What is the nature of maddness in the play? Claudius
sets the standards of maddness. Claudius is driven by his lust for power. When Hamlet is
telling the truth he is considered mad. Therefore, telling a lie is sane.
- Hamlet is very much his father's son.
- Polonius tries to pimp his daughter. He uses the word "loose" which means
the fornication of animals.
- Issue: Is suicide revenge on oneself?
- "To be or not to be" speech: 1>tends to be kitchy 2> talks about the different roles
people can choose in life 3>"not to be": Ophelia chooses this role 4>Hamlets thinks about
the "not to be role" but he chooses to be 5>sea of troubles: this role is taken by
Leartes becauses he chooses to take up arms against the sea of troubles in his
life. If you try to go against the sea the sea will always win.
- Rosencrantz&Gildenstern: they have no conscience. They are the "indifferent
children of the Earth"; they are mercinaries. What does their activity do to
their soul? Why are there two of them? They have no individuality. Two to show
aninimity. They've sold their souls. Gildenstern can't play an instrument because he
IS an instrument. They obey the will of Claudius.
- Issue: Rosencrantz&Guildenstern show a moral: There are some orders you do NOT
- Play within the play: 1> universalizes the play 2> complex dramatic device
3> Hamlet uses it to test the conscience of the king 4> It is a microcasm
5> There are two inner plays: the dumbshow and the spoken play.
- Play w/i play: What we see: 1> the poisoning of a king. Claudius freaks out the
second time. Why? Answer: Claudius knows that Hamlet knows that Claudius killed
King Hamlet. 2> the play looks first into the past and second into the future. The
same actor is the poisoner both times: forshadows Hamlet's attempt to poison Claudius and
shows that if Hamlet is going to commit revenge he will have to become Claudius.
3> Claudius wants to get out of the revenger role but he is not willing give up
his throne and his power.
- Issue: Is there a difference between Hamlet and Claudius? In order to do unto
your enemy what he has done to you means to become your enemy.
- After the death of Polonius: Hamlet's destiny is out of his hands. He has
become a murder.
- Speech by Claudius (act 4 sc 3): "And England..." Claudius thinks that if he kills
Hamlet then everything will be okay: continues the cycle of renvenge.
- Issue: Revenge is self destructive: Claudius dies from his own poison.
- Ophellia: 1>relationship with Hamlet is problematic 2>she is verbally abused
by Hamlet (act 3 sc 2) this is a sign that Hamlet is losing faith in humanity. He is
trying to kill all vesages of love in order to commit revenge efficiently.
- The play on words: "country matters" is a reference to the word "cunt."
- Ophellia's Flowers: fennel=flattery columbine=thanklessness daisy=lieing pansies=thoughts
rue=repentence rosemary=rememberance violets=faithfulness
- Graveyard scene (act 3 sc 2): Horatio is the type of man Hamlet admires. Horatio is
consistant, faithful and loyal. He is balanced and not the tool of passion
or revenge.
- "The croaking raven doth bellow for revenge" is a referance to Richard III.